Thursday, December 20, 2012


I created this blog three years ago and haven't made a single post. I had completely forgotten about it until I decided to restart an old blog and saw this one listed on my blogger control panel. There was a draft post, but it was never completed or posted. I think I will keep this blog and tie it in with my main blog Tao Te Ching 64: TaoTeChing64 since it ties in with one of my goals. Right now I'm at something of a crossroads in my life and I need some way of writing down my goals and connecting with others. Arguably I've been at a crossroads for 10 years but have yet to make a choice in which direction I want to take my life. But that shall be addressed further in my other blog.

Minimalism means many different things to different people. Some people associate the term with asceticism or poverty, others simply with a simple, clean aesthetic. This blog will be about my journey to a more minimalist lifestyle, which I see as a life of simplicity and (much) less clutter. Here are some ideas for some elements of a simple, minimalist, lifestyle:

  • I ride a bicycle for much of my transportation needs. When I drive, I drive a small car that is light on resources. Both environmental and financial.
  • I am devoted to my studies, and this is where I spend most of my time. 
  • I eat well. I eat healthy food that is generally free of artificial chemicals. I cook most of my own meals.
  • I exercise regularly. This includes, but is not limited to, commuting by bike.
  • I wake up early in the morning after always getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep, and always at the same time. In my mind, this ideal time is 4:30. I'm not sure why, but that just seems like a good time to wake up.
  • My room is spartan and free of distracting clutter. At least half of my possessions relate to spending time outside of my house, such as camping and hiking gear.
My life is certainly not at this point right now; these are just images in my mind of where I want to be. This list isn't exhaustive, but I know I don't want my life to consist of too much more than this. I crave routine and simplicity, which I don't have right now.